Saturday, January 10, 2009


Okay well I just wanted to update everyone on the past week.

Dorin and I are still doing great together, no new drama has started, but the old existing drama hasnt gotten any better either. Either way, we are happy to be together and are doing awesome as a couple.

Dorin and I havent gotten to see Tanner since before Christmas because of all this drama and chaos....but he is going to try to get him next weekend. He was going to try to get him this weekend but Dorin just got his wisdom teeth pulled out on Thursday so he is still recovering.

His recovery has gone pretty well. He isnt in too much pain and seems to be healing well so far.

Anyway, Im still just working away at Red Robin and Dorin is trying to find a new job since his boss is injured and he cant work. So...yeah thats where everything is right now.

Not the best, but things could definately be worse.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Doin' Great.

I don't have alot of time to blog since I am at the library (my computer is broken at home which is why I havent been blogging as much anymore).

As I wrote a few days ago, things arent good with Dorins mom, but this whole situation has made Dorin and my relationship SO much stronger. He told me the other night, "This relationship is only about me and you. No one else. As long as you and I are together, everything will be fine."

I think Dorin just finally "snapped" that night that his mom got in the middle of our conversation over the phone. He finally got fed up with her always in the middle of EVERYTHING that has to do with him, me, or Tanner. He told her exactly how he felt, his dad even agreed with him and backed him up, and all she said was that, "This is MY house and I can do whatever I want. If you dont like it you can leave." So he did, and seriously it was the best thing he ever could have done.

My family loves him, him and my dad get along so good, and now neither of us have to deal with his mom and her nosiness. My dads girlfriend Cheryl had to go into Jodys (Dorins mom) work yesterday (she works at Ace Hardware) to get something for my dad. Well, when she went up to the counter Jody rang her up. Jody didnt recongnize Cheryl but when she asked if she had an Ace Rewards card Cheryl said, "No but my boyfriend does, his name is Bob Herrett."

Well, right when Jody heard that she started asking Cheryl a million questions about us, how we are doing, if we had "told her about the situation", blah blah blah. Cheryl just said, "Oh they are doing so great!! We love having Dorin around, he is such a big help. And no, they havent told us about anything and we havent asked." (which isnt true, they know everything about what happened).

Cheryl could tell that Jody wanted to kind of "gossip" with her more but there was a line of people waiting by the time they got done talking, so Cheryl just left.

I am just so glad that Dorin and I dont have to deal with her anymore. We are so much happier...and we are so excited to move into our own house soon. My mom is looking into buying a house in either Graham, Orting, or Puyallup and then we will just rent to own from her.

Things are so much better since he has gotten away from that toxic woman, I just hope that one day everything can get worked out, but right now, Im happy with the way things are...and so is Dorin.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Times Are Changing

So, I know I have posted on here for a while and I apologize...things have been crazy around here. Alot has happened...the holidays weren't the best.

There is alot of drama right now with Dorins mom and Kristen (Tanners mom) against Dorin and I. Sometimes I feel like they are a team out to ruin our relationship...but it will never work.

Once again (a few days before Christmas) Kristen told Dorin that she had heard that we had broken up and told him that she still wanted to be with him. He told her that we were absolutely still together and that ONCE AGAIN he still has no feelings for her. Well, in addition to telling Dorin that, she also went to Jody (Dorins mom) and told her that I had went to Kristen and talked a whole bunch of trash about Jody...which is absolutely false.

So bottom line, Jody was/is really mad at me because she believes was Kristen has said, she talked trash about me to Dorin and pretty much told him that he shouldnt be with me anymore, and he FINALLY stood up for me and our relationship and told her to stay out of our business. He told her she is way too involved in every area of his life and that she needs to back off. Well she said, "Well this is MY house and I am going to do whatever I want. If you dont like it you can get out." So Dorin left.

This was December 23rd. He has been staying with me at my dads house for a little while, but my mom is in the process of buying a new house and we are going to rent it from we are REALLY excited about that. We have only seen his parents once since this whole incident, which was Christmas night for dinner, and Jody did not say ONE word to either of us the entire night. We ate dinner (with some other people that were there also) and then everyone else left and Dorin, his parents and I all opened our presents to each other. She didnt say one word about anything that we got her...she just sat there silently and would occasionally say something to Dorins dad.

It was just super awkward. When we were going to leave Dorin, his dad, and I all said goodbye and thank you to each other, and Jody was laying on the couch and she didnt even look up at us and she mumbled, "Thanks."

So, thats it. Thats the story. Dorin hasnt even been able to see Tanner since before Christmas because of all of this drama. Its just ridiuculous.

Overall, Dorin and I are doing really well as a couple, this has only made us stronger together, but I hope that one day soon everything will get worked out.