Okay first of all, I just want to apologize that I dont have ANY pictures from his party, I figured out once I got to Dorins house that my camera was DEAD and my charger was at home, I got some pictures on my cell phone, but I have no idea how to put them on here...anyway, just wanted to clear that up.
Okay so at first, I wasnt even planning on going to this party because Jody and I have not seen each other or even spoken since Christmas....yeah so like 5 months ago. But, Dorin and I had at conversation the night before the party and he told me that I just needed to get over my fear/attitude and come to the party. So, I agreed.
I had to work all day that day (the party was at night) which kept my mind off of my nerves about going to the party. I had all these thoughts of me walking in and Jody yellling, "What the fuck are YOU doing here?? You werent invited!!"...and other great scenerios like that. But like I said, work helped keep my mind off of it.
I got off work an hour early because we had 3 people scheduled for that day/night and when the mid-day girl showed up we werent very busy so I just stocked a bunch of stuff, and then I left.
I was happy about that because I didnt want to have to rush to the party. I was planning on going to Target or Walmart and getting a cute little new shirt because we all know how much Jody intimidates me....and I thought I needed to look perfect...but it turned out that I just went home and changed, grabbed my camera (that I THOUGHT worked), and headed to the house.
Once I got there I parked and I saw that Dorin and Tanner were out in the front yard playing. And let me just say, it NEVER EVER gets old when I get out of my car, Tanner sees me, and RUNS FULL SPEED with a huge smile on his face into my arms. That almost made me cry because I just couldnt believe that my baby (well not MINE technically, but in my mind yes he is mine) is 2 years old already.
I spent the next hour or so playing with Tanner and Dorin in the front yard, chasing him, throwing Tanners tiny little football and either Dorin and I would tell Tanner to "GO LONG!" and he would just run and run all the way to the end of the yard sometimes, and then we would throw the ball....and Tanner just thought that was the funnest thing in the world.
OH and also, for some reason, Tanner was CONVINCED that he was turning THREE that day! It was hirlarius! Everytime you asked him how old he was turning today, he would say "Three." EVERY TIME. It was so cute and funny. I would try to correct him and correct him, but he was just convinced he is 3 now.
Then one of Dorins good friends Nick shows up, so that was nice. We all hung out in the yard for a while, oh and it was really funny, the second Nick showed up Jody went to the window (she was inside with all the adults) and said "Hi Nick!" (I had been there for like 45 minutes already with NO hello, but whatever, what can I except right?)
Anyway, then it was time to go inside and sing Happy Birthday and open presents (the party didnt start til 7pm so we didnt have dinner or anything). This is about the time when I started to feel uncomfortable. ALL of his family was there, which was fine, but Jody was orchastrating everything and asking people if they wanted something to drink or anything. She asked Nick and I together, "Do you guys want something to drink?" And we both said no. It was so funny, when Tanner was getting sung Happy Birthday to, he covered his face and was VERY shy...it reminded me of the stories I have heard of Dorin when he was younger....he was very shy as well.
Then everyone had cake, and I was in the playroom with the kids (Tanner and his cousins) and Jody came in and said, "Janine, do you want cake?" and I just said, "No Thank you."
Tanner opened his presents and he was obsessed with this T-Ball set that Dorin and I bought him, after he opened that, he didnt even want to open any of his other presents...but he did. Dorins cousin JoAnn got Tanner this blow up boat thing that comes with a bunch of little plastic balls, so its like you have a tiny ball pit in your house (you know, the ones they have at Chucky Cheese). He LOVED that too.
Then I realized I locked my keys in my car.....GREAT!! So, the party was pretty much over anyway but people were still socializing in the house, but Dorin and I went outside and it took him like 5 minutes to get my car unlocked. Well as soon as we came in, Jody said, "Dorin, Tanner has been looking for you." SO, of course I thought she was pissed at me, SO I decided to not be a little scared little girl in the corner, I went up to Jody and said, "IM really sorry we had to go outside, like the dork I am I locked my keys in my car and he was helping me get them out." And she said, "Oh its okay hun, Tanner just always wants to know where Daddy is." So, I just apologized again and walked away.
So overall, I think it went alot better than expected. I am hoping that one day Jody and I can have a good relationship, but Im not going to rush anything, and Im not going to get my hopes up, but overall it was a good start I think.
Anyway, sorry this was so long. I just cant believe my little monkey is 2 already (well in his head he is 3!)LOL. He is growing up so fast and I just wish there was a pause button I could push to keep him little for a little bit longer!
Best Slip Joint Knives
3 years ago