Well, Thanksgiving Day was one of the best I have ever had.
It started early. I woke up around 7am (which is early for me) and spent some quality time with my dad. I helped him make the stuffing, and I looked through the Black Friday ads since Dorin and I were planning on going shopping the next morning. I then heard from Dorin a few hours later since he slept in until about 10 (he has been working alot and wanted a day to sleep in before he had Tanner for the next 4 days). I took a shower, got dressed, and headed to his house.
The first couple of hours at his house were nice and relaxing. We hung out with his parents, him mom and I looked online at Christmas presents for people and also some gorgeous inexpensive jewelry they have at QVC.com (she loves QVC with a passion). Overall it was nice to just hang out and spend some quality time together with him and his parents. And, it was especially nice because I felt like Jody and I were actually bonding and unintentially working on builiding our relationship.
After a while it was time for Dorin and I to go pick up Tanner at Kristen (Tanners moms) house. She was already half drunk and we finally met her financee (a guy she has only known for 2 months). I was kind of disappointed when I met him, I guess she just really talked him up because once I met him I thought he was a little too stand-offish, and not interested at all in meeting Dorin (who is the father of his soon to be step-son). I shook his hand,smiled at him, and was personable, but Dorin and him barely even said one word to each other. Oh well, hopefully my first impression of him is wrong.
Anyway, after we picked up Monkey we were off to Tacoma to Dorin's family get together for Thanksgiving. They said dinner would be ready at 5pm so we got there at about 4pm. Dorins parents beat us there because they headed straight there when we left to pick up Tanner man. All of his family was there and I had a great time talking to his favorite cousin (Joanne). She has an older son Jared who is probably like 9 years old, and she also has a little girl named Shaylee who is about a year older than Tanner. Dorin and I played with Tanner and the rest of the kids mostly, but dinner was running late so we had to leave before dinner was served in order to get to my dads house on time (between 6 and 6:30). I kind of expected Jodi to get mad that we were leaving before dinner was served but she was so nice and understanding and said, "Well, as long as you get to eat turkey dinner somewhere that is all that matters."
It started early. I woke up around 7am (which is early for me) and spent some quality time with my dad. I helped him make the stuffing, and I looked through the Black Friday ads since Dorin and I were planning on going shopping the next morning. I then heard from Dorin a few hours later since he slept in until about 10 (he has been working alot and wanted a day to sleep in before he had Tanner for the next 4 days). I took a shower, got dressed, and headed to his house.
The first couple of hours at his house were nice and relaxing. We hung out with his parents, him mom and I looked online at Christmas presents for people and also some gorgeous inexpensive jewelry they have at QVC.com (she loves QVC with a passion). Overall it was nice to just hang out and spend some quality time together with him and his parents. And, it was especially nice because I felt like Jody and I were actually bonding and unintentially working on builiding our relationship.
After a while it was time for Dorin and I to go pick up Tanner at Kristen (Tanners moms) house. She was already half drunk and we finally met her financee (a guy she has only known for 2 months). I was kind of disappointed when I met him, I guess she just really talked him up because once I met him I thought he was a little too stand-offish, and not interested at all in meeting Dorin (who is the father of his soon to be step-son). I shook his hand,smiled at him, and was personable, but Dorin and him barely even said one word to each other. Oh well, hopefully my first impression of him is wrong.
Anyway, after we picked up Monkey we were off to Tacoma to Dorin's family get together for Thanksgiving. They said dinner would be ready at 5pm so we got there at about 4pm. Dorins parents beat us there because they headed straight there when we left to pick up Tanner man. All of his family was there and I had a great time talking to his favorite cousin (Joanne). She has an older son Jared who is probably like 9 years old, and she also has a little girl named Shaylee who is about a year older than Tanner. Dorin and I played with Tanner and the rest of the kids mostly, but dinner was running late so we had to leave before dinner was served in order to get to my dads house on time (between 6 and 6:30). I kind of expected Jodi to get mad that we were leaving before dinner was served but she was so nice and understanding and said, "Well, as long as you get to eat turkey dinner somewhere that is all that matters."
So, we packed up Monkey and were on our way. We arrived at my dads and almost immediately ate dinner. It was so nice. Cheryl (my step moms) son and finance was there and we talked to them alot. Shawna (the finance) loved Tanner and all the cute things he was doing. We stayed there for about an hour and a half and then we had to take Tanner back home.
After we dropped off Tanner we just went back to Dorins house for a while and relaxed. He asked his mom if I could stay the night there since Dorin and I were planning on getting up at 3:30am to go Christmas shopping for all the good sales at Walmart and Fred Meyer, and to my suprise, she had no problem with it. She said, "Yeah, thats completely fine."
I had to go back to my dads house though because I forgot to get money to go shopping in the morning, but after we got back to Dorins house I fell asleep in the matter of 10 minutes, no joke. I needed to get as much sleep as possible because I had to work a double shift at work today and I was expecting to be slammed for like 10 hours straight, but that wasn't the case.
Anyway, Dorin and I got up in the early morning and headed to Walmart. He wanted to get Tanner this Big Wheel Jeep that Tanner can drive around, and it was on sale for $88 dollers which was such a good price. I also wanted to get his mom this digital picture frame which was like $50 off the regular price. Thank the Lord we got there early enough to get both, and we got out of there as soon as possible because it was crazy busy!
Then we went to Fred Meyer which actually wasn't that busy. I got a bunch of stuff there. Socks, slippers, clothes for Tanner, and some other things.
On the way home we stopped and got some breakfast through the drive-thu at Burger Kind. By the time we got home Dorins parents (who went to Sears AFTER we left to go to Walmart) where already home. They purchased a brand new huge flat screen TV. Its there Christmas present to each other which I think is nice. I showed Jodi everything we got for Tanner and visited for a while.
Dorin and I then retreated to our bedroom and took a 4 hour nap. I actually ended up waking up late and was 25 minutes late for work, but it was okay they were not mad at all. Of course I called on my way and told them I was going to be late.
I worked a double shift, but I had a 2 hour break in between my shifts in which I took the opportunity to take another mini-nap in my car. After work I went back over to Dorins and spent a couple of hours with him and Tanner.
I was supposed to work a double shift tomorrow too but my best friend is in town from Utah so I got my afternoon shift covered and most likely my night shift too. I would really love to have the whole day off.
I think Dorin, Tanner and I are planning on going out to dinner with Lacey, her husband and his 3 kids. Plus Lacey just found out she is pregnant last week so I am so excited for that!
I can't wait to see her tomorrow!!
1 comment:
yay Janine! I'm so glad I found you on here, and you started a blog! You're my favorite follower! Tanner looks so cute- I like that little guy :)
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