Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Its Official.

I'm a single lady again.

In the end, I realized that no matter how much I loved Dorin, my love for him would not fix the problems that we had. When a girl is serious about spending the rest of her life with a man, its important that she fits in well with his family....and I CLEARLY do not, and never will. His mother loves him, and wants the best for him, and in her eyes, IM not that, so there would have always been problems.

I loved Dorin enough to know that this situation/our relationship is NOT the best for him, and I love him so much that I WANT the best for him, even if thats not with me. I want him to find a girl who not only he connects with and loves, but also gets along well with his mother and fits into his family well. I want that for him.

This is going to hurt for a while, and I know that. I know Im going to cry, be sad, and be lonely some days, but in the end I know Im making the right decision. And if Im not, well I will either have to deal with that for the rest of my life, or God will somehow make things work out. But, in my heart, I know that he deserves better than a girlfriend and mom who hate each other, with him stuck in the middle. I dont want that for him anymore.

I have never loved someone as strongly as I love Dorin, we have been through so much together, and conquered alot of it TOGETHER, as a team. But on this major family issue, we cant be a team....because that would require him making a choice between a family and life with me, or his family. And I dont want him to ever have to make him make that choice, its not fair to him.

I know in the end, he will find someone who is perfect for him, and to be honest, Im excited for that day, because I love him so much that I want nothing but absolute happiness, greatness, and love for him in his life.

Like I said, the next couple months are definately going to be rough, but sometimes when you love someone as much as I loved Dorin, you have to let them go to make sure they receive the best they deserve in life....and I wasnt that for him.

1 comment:

Watkins Clan said...

No worries- a new neice and a trip to Utah is just what you need :)