Wednesday, November 26, 2008

My First Post!

Well Hi everyone of the world!! I'm sure alot of people who I will never know will probably stumble along my blog at one time or another and I just want to say HI! and please feel free to comment on ANY of my blogs! I love conversations of any kinds...including debates! I definately have opinions...and I love that other people do as well!

The reason that I started this blog is that I need a place to blog where not everyone I know knows it exists. I need an outlet to vent...I would use a plain notebook diary, but lets face it, at this day and age a 24 year old woman like myself can type alot faster than she can write. Plus, my computer has decided to not let me log in to my myspace page anymore without freezing up, so I decided to start blogging here, plus this seems like the new "hip" site...and I'm all about that.

I will probably blog often and sometimes sparitically.

My passions at the moment include my hatred for my future mother-in-law (and I seriously feel like no one has a situation as bad as I do), my frustration and annoyance with Kate Gosselin of the TLC show Jon and Kate plus 8, and the happiness I find in my boyfriend's little boy Tanner (who I call Monkey).

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