Sunday, November 30, 2008

Jody-The Center of Information

Okay so I know that I had a fantastic weekend with people that I love. I got to see one of my best friends Lacey, meet her husband Josh and the kids, and also spend alot of time with Dorin and Tanner. And, not to mention, Jody and I actually got along really well. She wasn't as overbearing and controlling as usual when it comes to Tanner....until today of course.

I worked until about 3pm today and then I went over to Dorins to hang out with him and Tanner. His parents were both at work for the first couple of hours I was there and that was really nice because I actually got to spend some quality one-on-one time with both Dorin and Tanner. We played, read books, and just chilled out.

Well, when Jody got home once again it was all about her. She wanted us to do this, she wanted us to do that. It was annoying. But the most annoying part of my entire weekend was when Kristen came to pick Tanner up at about 7:10 tonight (which Jody was throwing an absolute fit about). When Kristen came in Jody was talking to her non-stop until she left. Dorin and I could barely get a word in about anything this weekend. She had to be the one to tell Kristen everything, and it was just annoying because she wasn't even with us for alot of this weekend (thank God). I never got to tell Kristen that we went over and had a fun night with Lacey and her family, Dorin didn't get to tell Kristen that he got Tanner a Big Wheel Jeep for Christmas....Jody told her all that. Well actually she never even mentioned us going to Laceys for dinner because obviously she didn't think that "worthy" enough to mention.

Okay I am done venting. I did really good though by not complaining to Dorin about it all after Kristen left.

Another situation happened but I am too tired to write about it right now.

Night Night.

1 comment:

Watkins Clan said...

Tell me about it- bitchy ex mom's or worse ex-wives are the worst.. or if your case obsessive moms!! They should all go to the same place.. well you can figure that out